Instead of putting everything we own into storage, we are madly unloading our worldly belongings to family members and craiglists recipients. We won’t be able to take much with us oversees to our new home. Instead, we will be looking for a fully furnished apartment in London. In the meantime, this is what we are packing for our travels before we move:
Katie: (packing in an Eagle Creek 22″ carry-on, wheeled backpack)
•Dark pants (2 – one for casual day use and one nicer for evenings out)
•Long sleeve shirt (1)
•Short sleeve shirts (4)
•Thermal underwear pant/shirt (1)
•Skirts (2-one lightweight for beach lounging, one nicer for going out)
•Cotten socks (3)
•Wool socks (1)
•Flip flops (1)
•Windproof, rainproof lightweight jacket (1 – REI taku)
•Lightweight, cotton dress (1)
•Lounging/sleep pant and shirt (1 – Lululemon)
•Zip-up hoodie sweatshirt (1)
•Hat (1)
•Beanie (1)
•City walking shoes (Born, black leather)
•Undergarmets (5)
•Bathing suit (1)
•Scarf (1)
•All terrain shoes
Brent: (packing in an Osprey 22″ carry-on, wheeled backpack)
•Pants (3, two dark appropriate for evenings out, one lightweight casual)
•Long-sleeve button down shirts (3)
•Bathing suit (1)
•T-shirts (4)
•Flip flops (1)
•Thermal underwear shirt (1)
•Comfortable lounging pants (1 – Lululemon)
•Lightweight wool sweater
•Underwear (5 – Ex-Officio fast drying and Lululemon)
•Wool socks (1)
•Cotton socks (3)
•Walking shoes (Born, black leather)
•All-terrain shoes for running and hiking
•Windproof, rainproof lightweight jacket (1 – REI taku)
•Hat (1)
•Beanie (1)
Extra Stuff:
•Outlet converters
•Emergency kit, toiletries, medicines, vitamins, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, kleenex, etc
•Copies of passports
•Earplugs, eyemasks, wrist watches
•Gear (see “Gear”)